

振り返れば私は常にこの「数」と常に隣り合わせの人生でした。10年前、とある手術室で手術をしている際にいきなり大きな風と威圧感を感じ、振り返ればそこにおられたのは私がこれまで自分自身で思い描いていた「数」を遥かに圧倒し、凌駕する先生でした。朝7時から夜中までぶっ通しで手術に向かうその圧倒的な迫力と情熱、集中力、技術は私がこれまで抱いていた「数」を力でねじ伏せられるもので、目の前におられたのは尽心・知命・立命 (じんしん、ちめい、りつめい)、心を尽くし、天に与えられた使命を知り、それに基づいて自分の運命を想像することを体現されてある、とても人とは形容もしがたいバタフライそのもののお姿でした。

その先生に最初に頂いた言葉が「For your prosperous career and For our continued professional cooperation. Ancora Imparo」です。「Ancora Imparo」とは「私はまだ学んでいる」という意味のイタリア語で、かつて、芸術家のミケランジェロが好んで用いていたフレーズですが、福島先生でさえもまだ学んでおられるんだと驚愕したことを今でも鮮明に覚えています。どんな瞬間も学びに変え、慣行されている先生でした。手術のたびに先生は自らおっしゃってありました「福島先生は常に学び、進化している」と。


私もそう遠くない未来に先生のもとへ伺います。そのときに私も先生に「Ancora Imparo」と言えるよう日々「学びの瞬間」を感じ、そしてまた、そのときに先生とよい「数」として再びお逢いできることを切に願い、私自身、そのときにバタフライになっていられるよう励み精進することを誓います。



Condolence speech

Do you know the term “butterfly effect”?
The word originates from the question, “Can the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas?” It refers to a causal “number” effect similar to the Japanese proverb, “When the wind blows, the tub maker will make a profit,” in which a very small “number” event leads to an unexpectedly large event.  This “number’’ is not a just a numerical value, known as “ Suu” in Japanese, but is said to be the turning point of countless destinies in Confucianism, and it was precisely because of this “Suu” that I first met Professor Dr. Fukushima.

Looking back, my life has always been interred with this concept of “Suu”. Ten years ago, while performing surgery in a certain operating room, I suddenly felt a strong wind and  and a sense of intimidation. Upon reflection, I realized that the person standing there overwhelmed and surpassed the image of “Suu” I had previously envisioned for myself – that was Dr. Fukushima. His overwhelming force, passion, concentration, and skill as he worked tirelessly from 7 a.m. until midnight to perform the surgery was enough to  overpower and dismantle the “Suu’’  that I had ever held in my mind. There are no words to describe a master who embodies the spirit of dedication, wisdom, and peace of mind (jinshin, chimei, and ritumei in Japanese); he himself embodied the “butterfly”

The first words he uttered to me were, “For your prosperous career and for our continued professional cooperation. Ancora Imparo.” “Ancora Imparo” is an Italian phrase that means “I’m still learning,’’ a phrase once favored by the artist Michelangelo. You see, even Dr. Fukushima, a master in all respects, said he was still learning. To this day, I vividly remember how astonished I was. He was a master who turned every moment into a learning experience. During each surgery, the master himself said, “Dr. Fukushima is always learning and evolving.”

In the 10 years since then, he has shared with me and taught me many things, not only during the surgery, but sometimes over lunch, sometimes at the airport, sometimes at the venue, sometimes at the hotel, and sometimes in the taxi. He spoke of the future, sometimes he talked about the love, he was considerate of his juniors, and also he kindly responded to anyone who called out to him. He was not the usual strict master in the operating room, but a very charming and endearing one. I learned that even if the “Suu’’ is small and delicate at that time, the chain can truly move the world. These fleeting “Suus” that vanish in the ever-changing daily life may not be visible, yet they process boundless potential, devoid of judgement between good and evil, and constantly in flux. Similarly, in our profession as doctors, there are no definitive answers to purpose. Therefore, I pledge to cherish fleeting moment of “Suu” and adhere to the “life” that I believe is right, as taught by my master. The “Life” means one’s own proposition in Confucianism.

I will meet you again in the not-too-distant future. Until that time, in respect of my great master, I will continue to work and study hard, and also endeavor to feel a “moment of learning” every day so that I may keep my promise to “Ancora Imparo.” And I wish to reunite with you as a positive “Suu.” I vow to strive diligently to become a “butterfly” at that time.

My dearest Professor Dr. Fukushima, I will see you again. Until then, please rest in peace.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Terasaki Neurosurgery Clinic
Mizuhiko Terasaki


福岛老师第一次对我说的话是:“祝福你事业蒸蒸日上,祝愿我们合作长远。Ancora Imparo”。 “Ancora Imparo”是意大利语,意思是“我还在学习中”,曾经是艺术家米开朗基罗所喜欢的一句话。我至今仍然清楚地记得当时被福岛老师的这句话震惊了。任何时候都在学习,他是一位永不自我满足的老师。每次动手术时,他都会说:“福岛老师一直还在学习和进步中”。
不久的将来我也会去见老师。我希望现在自己每天都能感受到“自己在学习的时刻”, 这样等到我们再见时我也能对老师说“Ancora Imparo”,而且我希望做为一个好的“数”再次和老师见面。我发誓我会继续努力进步,等到再见时也能使自己成为一只蝴蝶。




